Social Justice Saturday: A Season of Creation


"Hope Beyond the Heat":
2021 Season of Creation, Sept. 1-Oct. 4

The Creation Care Justice Network in the Diocese of Massachusetts invites you to use the Season of Creation as a time to celebrate, grieve, pray and get engaged with creation and climate issues.

After a summer of record-breaking heat waves and wildfires, violent storms and floods, and continued inequities suffered by vulnerable low-income communities and people of color, we are called to look for the "Hope Beyond the Heat."

What is our faithful response?  To paraphrase 1 Thessalonians 4:13, even in the face of death, we are not like those who have no hope.  We magnify our hope as we worship, pray and act together.  The Season of Creation is our opportunity to lean into the groaning of God's creation and God's people, and lean on our Lord for forgiveness, guidance, community building and strength.

For more information and invitations to action for individuals and congregations, click here: