Social Justice Saturday: Sing for the Planet


"Season of Creation" Begins September 1

From Sept. 1 to Oct. 4, Christians around the world in celebrating a special season of prayer and action to protect God’s creation.

“Season of Creation” begins on September 1, a date chosen in 1989 by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church -- and now embraced by the wider ecumenical family -- as the World Day of Prayer for Creation. Creation Season ends on October 4 with the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the man who is often called the patron saint of ecology.

We observe this special season in the hope that caring for Creation will increasingly be woven into every aspect of congregational life. Through preaching and prayer, and in sacrificial acts of generosity and bold public witness, we hope to strengthen our Christian response to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.

An invitation from The Rev. Dr.) Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Missioner for Creation Care

What will your congregation do this Creation Season?

What will you do? Here’s one thing that is happening as part of this Season:


The Climate Emergency means we need to make our voices heard. We’ve marched, we’ve voted, we’ve petitioned, and now we are going to sing, and sing in one large choir, the #HouseOnFireChoir with A Passion for the Planet: Join us in singing for the UN Climate Summit. You will be part of the finale of the COP26 on-line performance of Geoffrey Hudson’s A Passion for the Planet.

Record yourself, your friends, your family or your choir, send in your performance, and we’ll (literally) bring your voices to Glasgow, Scotland this November! The deadline for sending in your performance is October 11th.

Explore this website for more details on how to participate.