"American prosperity was built on two and a half centuries of slavery, a deep wound that has never been healed or fully atoned for - and that has been deepened by years of discrimination, segregation, and racist housing policies that persist to this day. Until America reckons with the moral debt it has accrued - and the practical damage it has done- to generations of black Americans, it will fail to live up to its own ideals."
--Ta-Nehisi Coates, "The Case For Reparations" Atlantic, June 2014, Vol. 313 Issue 5, p54-71.
"The moral and theological answer to the questions about reparations is: We are Christians called to live the Gospel, called to receive one another as siblings, called to love, called to be menders of the breach, called to repair. We cannot live the Gospel if we do not face the injustices done to our siblings."
In Reparations 101, “A Toolkit for Reparations in Community,” Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, 2021.