Social Justice Saturday: Supporting the Dorchester Food Co-op

Here’s a local anti-racist action you might consider!

The Dorchester Food Co-op is a grassroots initiative to build a community & worker-owned grocery store. The website explains: The Co-op envisions a diverse inclusive community with opportunities for employment, ownership, and access to healthy food.  As a food co-op, we will serve and reflect the wide variety of cultural, racial, and socio-economic groups that make up the neighborhoods of Boston.

Ellen Davis has been a member of the co-op for a couple of years and says, “They have made incredible progress in that time, moving from an idea to a relationship with a developer who is creating a building that has the store on the ground floor and affordable housing above. It is in Dorchester, which has historically been a food desert, and is accessible by public transit.”

Ellen continues, “Memberships is a one-time payment of $100 which can be paid in increments of $25 or $50. Members don’t have to volunteer (or even shop there). I see it as an easy way to support better food options and community development and support in Dorchester. They have about 946 members and the goal is 955 members by the end of March. They are also working on a community fund where you can purchase a membership for someone who cannot afford the membership.”

For those who want to do more than just joining the Co-op there are a number of volunteer opportunities.

Dorchester Food Coop in the news: