Interpersonal Racism and productively intervening in racist behavior

Interpersonal racism is real. It often shows up in subtle and ignorant ways. Everyone, and especially white people, have a role in calling out racism and bigotry, and this can be a hard thing to do in a way that is ultimately productive, inviting someone who has said or done something that perpetuates racism to change or to consider changing.

How do you see your own role and responsibility around “calling in” (as opposed to “calling out” or shaming) others in your family, community, workplace, or school.

Are you comfortable with intervening around racist behavior? If so, what have you found effective? What has not worked?  

If you have not been able to intervene productively, why not? What is needed to be able to do this?

A Grocery Store Intervention An example of a productive intervention (4 min.)