Throwback Thursday - Inspiration from Frances Perkins, First Woman Cabinet Secretary

Frances Perkins on the cover of Time Magazine in 1933

Frances Perkins on the cover of Time Magazine in 1933

On Thursdays, we look back to our past for wisdom and inspiration and yesterday was the Feast Day in the Episcopal Church for Frances Perkins, the Boston-native Episcopalian who was the first woman ever to serve as a Cabinet Secretary. She was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Secretary of Labor and oversaw the nation’s climb out of the Great Depression. Informed by her faith, she helped make sure the people most struggling with hardship were met with dignity, compassion and opportunity. The lessons of her time can be of great value in ours. Read more about Frances below, and consider how your faith will shape your politics and your economic activity in the challenging days ahead.

Frances Perkins - Public Servant and Prophetic Witness
