Creation Care
The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts at its 2010 Convention passed a resolution urging all member congregations to observe a Season of Creation Care each year from the end of September to the end of November. At St. John's, we are excited to take up this call beginning with the Blessing of the Animals this Sunday, October 1 . Our October First Friday Family Night on October 6 will bring together members of the parish of all ages for a celebration of the goodness of creation and our call to care for it. On October 8 , we will renew our baptismal vows as we bring another child into the family of God in Christ with the authorized addition to our Baptismal Covenant to "cherish the wondrous works of God, and protect the beauty and integrity of all creation." And our worship service beginning October 15 through the end of November will feature themes and images of creation from the New Zealand Prayer Book. Make a commitment in your own heart and life to especially seek out ways to care for creation this season and come to St. John's for inspiration, support and fellowship.
Peace and Blessings,